Why you should never take off your wedding ring?

Why you should never take off your wedding ring?

Why you should never take off your wedding ring? Wedding bands are a classic symbol of a lasting, happy marriage. They are of particular importance in family life. The ring is used during fortune-telling, passed on by inheritance to consolidate family ties. This jewellery is a talisman of eternal love, so it is strictly forbidden to remove them.

Why you should never take off your wedding ring?


Wedding bands are a classic symbol of a lasting, happy marriage. They are of particular importance in family life. The ring is used during fortune-telling, passed on by inheritance to consolidate family ties. This jewellery is a talisman of eternal love, so it is strictly forbidden to remove them.

Or is it still possible? We cannot answer this question for you. But we have prepared as much information as possible so that you can draw your conclusions.

The most famous signs about ring avulsion


Signs say that it is advisable to always wear a wedding ring on the finger, and if it is often removed or stored in a box, then quarrels and misfortunes threaten the family. This belief originated at a time when the gold engagement ring was the only decoration. In this way, a person guaranteed its safety and could use it as an emergency reserve in difficult life situations.

Nowadays, women have a lot of everyday gold and valuable gems that can be changed depending on their wardrobe and social events. But the memory of popular beliefs is still alive. Here are the most common ones:

  • By overarching, ring avulsion threatens the family with the loss of love and even the destruction of the marriage. In a family where young spouses decide not to wear rings, quarrels and scandals become more frequent.
  • Taking off wedding rings for strangers to try on is also fraught with problems. An outsider wearing your ring can take away family happiness and become a lovebird for spouses.
  • Another sign warns of the risk of becoming a widower or widow.
  • It is believed that leave your rings you become vulnerable to evil forces.
  • This can cause problems with the financial well-being of a young family.

However, it is important to understand that no signs can separate loving people against their will. So if you leave your rings out of necessity (for example, it has become small), this does not mean that your act has doomed the marriage to problems.

Psychologists' opinion on wearing wedding bands


Psychologists say that every family should have "talismans of happiness" - hereditary or acquired items and accessories that reflect the most important and interesting moments.

  • The best way to preserve family happiness is to be attentive to your beloved, to fulfil his wishes. If everyday problems arise, then, first, you need to look for the real reasons. And wearing your ring reminds you of a wonderful period in your feelings.
  • Divorce statistics do not in any way connect the signs and the couple's decision to break up. But we can trace other patterns:
  • Women most often refuse to wear their jewellery because they do not like it or need to be updated.
  • For many, the accessory interferes with their professional activities (for example, for doctors or cosmetologists when it is necessary to wear gloves).
  • Many women take off their jewellery while washing dishes or laundry. Another commonplace reason is weight loss or gain.

Men often neglect ornaments because they don't like it or are uncomfortable to wear. The most unpleasant option is the desire to hide marital status. One way or another, all these circumstances have nothing to do with popular superstitions. This means that it is important to look for logic in real life.

Should wedding bands be taken off at night or for sports training?


There is no single answer to this question - people continue to argue about the need to remove gold during sleep. Perhaps this article will help you make a decision.

Arguments for:

  • It is better to take off ornaments at night because it is easy to damage them during sleep.
  • They also get lost among blankets and pillows.
  • It is necessary to give the skin a rest from the metal. The night time is ideal for such a holiday.
  • If you sleep wearing your ring, you can catch them while sleeping and get injured.
  • During sleep, wedding bands can put pressure on the skin and blood vessels, which impairs blood circulation.
  • All pregnant women need to remove their gold at night. While carrying a child, edema may appear, blood circulation will deteriorate, and a finger may be injured.

Such cases are known - an engagement ring with large stones or a complex design clings to the bed or gets tangled in bed linen. He may be touched by a sleeping person nearby, or decoration may mistake a pet for a toy. Moreover, they cling in a dream not only with rings with large inserts but also with earrings, bracelets, pendants.

Arguments against:

  • If wearing your ring does not interfere with everyday life and is not felt on your finger, then it will not interfere with your sleep either.
  • Smooth wedding gold without inserts is unlikely to catch on something, so it is not necessary to remove them.

Doctors say wearing your ring at night can disrupt normal blood flow. Nothing will happen in a night or two, but over months and years, it can lead to wrist problems and other illnesses.

You don't want to part with the values ​​that are especially dear to your heart for a minute. If it is morally difficult for a person to take them off, he experiences mental discomfort about this - it is better to sleep peacefully in your wedding bands than to suffer from insomnia without them.

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