What is Palladium White Gold?

What is Palladium White Gold?

It’s official — white gold is the Australia’s most popular choice of metal for engagement rings. According to Australia’s Biggest Engagement Ring Survey, almost half (49%) of all engagement ring purchases in Australia were made with white gold as the ring metal of choice. 

While the brilliant white lustre of white gold can sometimes be mistaken as silver, there are clear differences that set white gold apart as the premium option. At GS Diamonds, we maintain a high standard of quality with the use of palladium in our 18 white gold jewellery options. 

top metals used in engagement

What is 18K White Gold? 

18K white gold is an alloy mix of gold that is specially formulated to achieve a bright and white appearance instead of the usual rich yellow tone. The “18K” simply means that the metal is composed of 75% gold. 

So, what makes up the remaining 25%? The remaining metals that are alloyed with 18K white gold are commonly copper, nickel, zinc and palladium. 

Notably, nickel has been the traditional option in the creation of white gold. The issue is that individuals with sensitive skin are often allergic to nickel, causing the skin around their ring finger to become itchy or even form blisters. 

Introducing Palladium White Gold

Enter palladium, the modern replacement for nickel in 18K white gold alloys. Palladium is a metal that bears a lot of the same characteristics as platinum — it’s durable, has a silvery shine, and is hypoallergenic (doesn’t trigger allergic reactions). 

18K white gold jewellery that use palladium offer these material traits, featuring a more brilliant and durable composition that doesn’t wear down or become discoloured over time. 

The entire 18K white gold collection jewellery at GS Diamonds is crafted with the use of palladium. We use a high ratio of 12-15% palladium in the white gold alloy mixture to achieve a naturally white appearance for the metal. 

Ideal for Those With Sensitive Skin

Jewellery is always worn in contact with the skin, making it important for wearers to choose a metal option that does not cause any discomfort or irritation. 

The hypoallergenic nature of palladium white gold makes it a popular choice among those who have sensitive skin or a nickel allergy. When you purchase a 18K white gold ring with GS Diamonds, you can rest assured that it won’t trigger any allergic reactions when worn, even for long periods of time. We make a point to never include any Nickel in our white gold rings or jewellery. 

benefits of palladium white gold

Palladium White Gold & Rhodium Plating

Even at a high ratio of 15% palladium, the resulting white gold alloy can sometimes retain a slight yellow tint due to the majority presence of gold. To further enhance the brightness of its silvery shine, white gold alloys are often treated with a layer of rhodium plating — the metal is dipped and anodised to form a thin layer of rhodium plating on the surface. 

Rhodium joins palladium in the platinum group of metals and is also considered to be the most expensive metal in the world. After plating is applied, the palladium white gold metal will sport a reflective mirror-like finish that looks as stunning as it sounds. 

Is Palladium White Gold the Right Choice for You?

If it’s a long-lasting premium option you’re after for a ring or jewellery metal, palladium white gold is the right choice for you. For reference, here are the standout features of palladium white gold at a glance:

  • Hypoallergenic — doesn’t trigger allergies like nickel white gold does
  • More durable and scratch-resistant than traditional white gold alloy 
  • Malleable nature makes it easy to repair or resize
  • Less prone to cracking under stress, making it more secure for diamond settings
  • Resistant to tarnishing (turning dull or yellowish)

The GS Diamonds collection of 18K white gold, including engagement and wedding rings, necklaces and bracelets are made with a high palladium content as part of our commitment to creating beautiful jewellery that lasts a lifetime. Shop our collection of 18K white gold jewellery online or visit our stores in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. 

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